
June 11, 2021

Cross Cultural Considerations For Missionaries-Part One

by Executive Director John David Smith In cross-cultural missions, there are basic cultural issues that come into play. Over the next few months we will take a cursory look at some of them. We affirm that the Bible is always authoritative over culture; however, in order to bear much fruit (John 15) and have more sheep (John 10), it is […]
July 2, 2021

Cross Cultural Considerations For Missionaries – Part Three

by John David Smith This month we continue looking at cultural issues that western missionaries face when adjusting to most other cultures in the world. We must remember that everyone in the world typically will judge another culture through the filter of their own cultures . . . that makes sense. The problem with this view is that most of […]
September 10, 2021

Cesar Lacayo: ChangeMaker in Belize

The following was written by Cesar Lacayo, pastor/missionary of our BMA congregation in Belize City, Belize: This ministry started around the year 2002 as a mission outreach headed by missionary Pastor [and ChangeMaker] Ricardo Herrera Ramirez from the Garifuna village of Tornabe, Tela Honduras. His church planting strategy consisted of recruiting immigrants from the villages of Tornabe, San Juan, and Triunfo […]