Give Children A Reason To Smile!
God revealed to us the importance of showing our love to others when He sent His Son for us. One way you can show your love to others is by giving children around the world a reason to smile through the gift of a shoebox. Not only will they receive this gift, but they will also have an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. These gifts also bring hope to the hearts of their parents. This year we will be sending the shoeboxes to children in Nigeria and Guatemala. Through giving Christmas Shoebox gifts this year, we will have a great opportunity to share the gospel with families that are in desperate need of hope… the hope that is offered through Jesus.
BMA churches participated last year in helping us collect over 14,000 shoebox gifts! This was over 3,000 more boxes than we sent the previous year. We were able to reach our goal of sending boxes to 3 countries. This year, we will focus our efforts in 2 countries, Nigeria and Guatemala. We have not sent boxes to Nigeria before. Please be in prayer for each of these countries, that God will use these gifts to spread His love and open doors for our missionaries. Below, you will find instructions on packing your shoeboxes. Thank you for helping give children a reason to smile!
Instructions for giving a Christmas Shoebox gift this year
1. PRAY - Ask God to allow his love to be shown through your Chirstmas Shoebox gift and to give a child a reason to smile.
2. SHOEBOX - Use a cardboard shoebox that is approximately 12”x7”x4” in size. This way all children get equal amount of gifts and using this size makes it easier to pack all the shoeboxes in the shipping containers to ship. Wrap the lid and box separately. (Please, no Santa Claus wrappping paper)
3. FILL WITH GIFTS - Decide whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl and fill your shoebox with toys and quality gifts. (See “Ideal Gift Suggestions” NO SOAP OR TOOTHPASTE PLEASE!) Then label the top of your box with “BOY” or “GIRL” then place a large rubber band around each box.
4. INCLUDE $7 DONATION - For each shoebox, please donate $7 which is necessary to include a Bible in the language of the country we are sending to, to ship your shoebox and to deliver it to a child. If you or your church is sending multiple shoeboxes, please send one check to cover the shipping of all of the gifts.
5. DELIVER YOUR SHOEBOX - Take your shoebox to your church or nearest drop-off station by September 15, 2024. When leaving shoeboxes at a drop-off station, please mail the check for shipping to BMMI, Attn: Christmas Shoeboxes, P.O. Box 878, Conway, AR 72033, and please let us know what drop-off station you used.
Or you can deliver or ship your box(es) to our office by September 15, 2024: BMMI, Attn: Christmas Shoeboxes, 611 Locust Street, Conway, AR 72034
Ideal Gift Suggestions
TOYS! - Dolls, Stuffed Animals, Cars, Balls, Musical Instruments, Puzzles, Jump Ropes, Blocks, Finger Puppets, Play Jewelry, Hair Bows
SCHOOL SUPPLIES - Coloring Books, Crayons, Notepads, 3 Pencils, Notebooks, Stickers
HEALTH ITEMS - Washcloths, Toothbrushes (NO SOAP OR TOOTHPASTE), Combs, Brushes, Sunglasses
BIBLE DONATION - Please include $1 per box to assist in providing Bibles in the language for each area.
DO NOT INCLUDE - Used or damaged items; Any war-related items like toy guns (including water guns), knives, or toy soldiers; Breakable items (including nail polish and mirrors); Balloons; Decks of cards; Play-doh; Candy; Liquids or lotions; Sewing kits; Markers; Glue of any kind; Deodorant, soap or toothpaste.
2024 Christmas Shoebox Downloads (Click item below to download)
Promotional Slide for Screens
Shoebox Poster 11x17 Color
Shoebox Poster 11x17 Black & White
Shoebox Poster 8.5x11 Color
Shoebox Poster 8.5x11 Black & White
Shoeboxes can be delivered or shipped to:
Attn: Christmas Shoeboxes
611 Locust Street
Conway, AR 72034
Helpful Information: We order our shoeboxes from U-Line Shipping – www.uline.com. They sell a medium size shoebox (Model #S-10585) that works perfectly. For bulk wrapping paper go to www.nashvillewraps.com.
For more information call – 501.455.4977 or email bmmi@bmaam.com.