Holly Meriweather

September 21, 2021

The Poiriers: Missionaries to Three French-Speaking Countries

We thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve Him and to be your missionary. It is with anticipation that we are looking for to meet together again sometimes in the future, but borders are closed, and there are air travel restrictions. – Brother Michel Poirier Michel Poirier and his wife Ruth live in Québec, Canada but minister in two other French-speaking […]
September 25, 2021

If They Don’t Worry, Why Should We

by Dr. Rana Costa-El Hage Above the kitchen sink in our rented Amman apartment is a window that overlooks a spruce tree. Over the past ten days since arriving in Jordan, I have had many chances to look out that window and watch different kinds of birds perch on its branches. It has been quite fascinating to see new species […]
September 28, 2021

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

Are you spiritually healthy?  Are you 100% spiritually healthy or 50%?  You cannot expect those around you to be spiritually healthy if you are not healthy yourself. On an airplane you are told that if there is an emergency and oxygen is needed you should put your oxygen on first.  Why?  Because if you are not breathing you cannot help anyone else.  If you are […]
October 5, 2021

Abraham Cheyee: ChangeMaker in Africa

by Dr. John David Smith ChangeMaker Abraham Cheyee serves in the West Africa country of Liberia and has been part of BMA work for two decades. Brother Abraham is not only a church planter but also a Lifeword global partner, producing gospel video content for lifeword.org in his native language of Western Krahn. Ten years ago, Liberians endured a civil war, […]