Put Your Oxygen Mask on First
September 28, 2021
Pastor JR: ChangeMaker in the Philippines
October 8, 2021by Dr. John David Smith
ChangeMaker Abraham Cheyee serves in the West Africa country of Liberia and has been part of BMA work for two decades. Brother Abraham is not only a church planter but also a Lifeword global partner, producing gospel video content for lifeword.org in his native language of Western Krahn.
Ten years ago, Liberians endured a civil war, followed four years later by the Ebola outbreak, which literally came to his front door: Liberia was the hardest hit country with 4,800 deaths, and Abraham Cheyee was on the front lines of the battle against the disease and its rapid spread.
At the time, Brother Abraham pastored Bible Baptist Church in Liberia’s capital city of Monrovia, and both his home and church were directly across the road from the main treatment centers. He and his congregation were greatly affected by the shutdown of stores, the pile-up of bodies, and the anguished cries of victims and family members. The crisis was a definite turning point in his ministry.
Liberia was declared Ebola-free in September of 2015, and during the aftermath of that declaration, Bro. Abraham Cheyee realized God was calling him away from Monrovia with its better infrastructure, access to health care and education opportunities.
His heart had begun to ache for his own people group hundreds of miles away, so he and his family made the difficult journey to the eastern part of Liberia near the border of Cote d’Ivoire to minister to and plant churches among his people group. The Ebola crisis changed his pastoral values and his ministry to BMA Liberia churches.
In November of 2020, refugees of Ivory Coast election violence began to cross the border into Liberia, and BMA churches ministered to them when the government offered little to no aid. Thousands converged on a small border town, and churches shared what little resources they had, modeling the humility of Pastor Abraham.
Whether it’s media ministry, relief work, or planting churches, Abrahem Cheyee is truly focused on changing the lives of his people group.
Praise the Lord that he has surrendered to the call to be a ChangeMaker in Africa!