Where Poverty and Violence Touches Almost Everyone
February 8, 2022
Are You Listening?
February 18, 2022By Rama Bochung
There is a woman named Mar who has a ten years old son with kidney problem. The doctor said the boy would not live long unless there is good medical care for him, but the family could not afford good medical care for him. The boy’s father is a strong Buddhist and the mother has some knowledge about Christ. Our house church in Yangon is constantly praying for that family and we help their physical needs as much as we can. Our small group Bible study has been sharing the Word with Mar and the boy, but the father never wants to be in our Bible study.
Several months later Mar and the boy found new hope in Christ, which they never found in their old religion (Buddhism). The boy’s father left Mar and the boy and married to another woman. But Mar and the boy remain in the faith and become faithful members of our Yangon house church. Mar is now selling seasonal fruit like watermelon for (a) living. Because of the Corona virus and the military coup the boy wasn’t able to go to the doctor for many months but amazingly the boy is healthier than before.
Mr. Chaw is one of our Lifeword Burmese listeners from the northern village who had several questions to ask about Christ and salvation. He used to go talk to one of our trained leaders (a missionary) near his village, and our missionary often visited Mr. Chaw, too. But Mr. Chaw’s wife and daughter didn’t welcome our missionary as he shared the gospel and they were not happy about Mr. Chaw talking to our missionary either.
I left some reading glasses (not expensive) with our missionary for those who could not buy them or come to the Bible study. Our missionary gave one of them to Mr. Chaw’ s wife and she was glad. They seem a little bit more open for our missionary’s next visit to them. Mr. Chaw accepted Christ as his personal Savior even though his wife and daughter asked him many times not to become a follower of Christ. Brother Chaw is now making handmade Burmese brooms, and whenever he sells those he brings his tithes to our house church there in the North.
Thank you very much for your prayers and supports, which made possible the mission works here. May the Lord bless you all!