From the President

We are so thankful for the many churches that partner with us in pursuing God’s global commission. We believe the Great Commission was given to the local church, and our role is to partner with local churches in fulfilling His mandate. At BMA Global we embrace the model to:

  • GO (Present the gospel in each person’s local setting and context)
  • DISCIPLE (Train disciples that make disciples)
  • PLANT (Plant churches through local disciple makers)
  • REPEAT (See the multiplication of churches and disciples)

Our desire is long-term, sustaining impact for God’s kingdom. Therefore, we take seriously the process of preparing and supporting those who are called to go. We know that healthy, sustainable, and lasting kingdom impact requires that those who called also be assessed, trained, equipped and supported as they carry out the vision to see local disciples plant local churches in their local country.


God has truly blessed as together we are . . .

Partnering with over 750 churches

Sending over 75 U.S. missionaries and church planters

Supporting over 500 national ChangeMaker missionaries

Ministering in over 71 countries around the world

Our Purpose

To fulfill God’s mission by sending and partnering to share God’s story, make disciple makers, and start churches that multiply among the nations.

Our Vision

We pursue discipleship-based multiplication movements through the multiplying of disciples, leaders, and churches. Our vision is to see local churches and disciples multiplied and working together in their own countries and cultures.

Our Distinctive

Our purpose and vision reflect the belief that each church, regardless of country or culture, has the same Great Commission mandate. Therefore, the focus of our missions efforts is to train local disciple makers who plant churches and accept their Great Commission responsibilities. Ultimately, the greatest impact occurs as local churches in each country partner in the multiplication movement.

This is reflected in North America as church planters begin new churches across this diverse, multi-ethnic continent. Internationally, this is reflected as American missionaries develop disciple makers and train leaders that become church planters in their own countries. Regardless of the location the goal is to see local church planting done in a healthy, reproducible, and sustainable way.

Our Values

Motivated by the Mission of God

The Mission of God is defined specifically as making God’s glory and love known to the nations. This aspect of the nature of God is expressed in the expansion of his kingdom (missions) to all peoples and is the primary motivational piece in all that we do.

Discipleship-based Multiplication

The entire context of the New Testament is one of multiplication. All healthy believers and churches will multiply. The multiplication of disciples is the most important factor in the formula for multiplication.

Local-Church Driven

While multiplication is the process that fulfills the Mission of God in the New Testament, local congregations are both the source (sending) and the goal (planting) of that multiplication. Missions offices do not reproduce, churches do.

Indigenous Missions

Missions (with an “s”) is defined as all that we do in attempting to fulfill the Mission of God and must be carried out according to indigenous principles. We are the scaffolding, not the edifice. Our goals are for sustainability and reproducibility.

Holy Spirit-led “Risk”

Indeed it is no risk if the Holy Spirit is truly involved. However, from our perspective we need to be constantly reminded and encouraged to seek God’s face then follow that leading in a courageous manner.