mission:world News

April 5, 2022

Change in North American Missions Landscape

According to Pew research, the U.S. Hispanic population reached 62.1 million in 2020, up from 50.5 million in 2010. The 23% increase in Hispanic population was faster than the nation's growth rate, but a slower increase than in the Asian population. In 2020, Hispanics made up nearly one in five people in the U.S.
April 12, 2022

God Didn’t Stop Blessing

Eduardo Marroquin knew instinctively the importance of teaching his children at an early age that God’s work of pointing people to Christ was the only work with eternal value. Beginning at age nine, Eduardo’s son David was first exposed to the difficulties of ministry work in the department (state) of Petén where Missionary Marvin Loyd served for ten years.