mission:world News

December 26, 2023

BMA Global: Who We Are

With humble beginnings and a great focus on God’s mission, BMA Global began in 1950 through the efforts of the churches of the newly formed Baptist Missionary Association of America (NABA at the time). That first year, there were six North American church planters and two international missionaries elected. All glory to God, that through the years of faithfulness and focus on that great mission, BMA Global has grown to a ministry of over 400 missionaries working in 70 countries of the world.
January 2, 2024

Saved People are Sent People

In a world inundated with noise and distractions, the profound truth that those saved by Christ are also sent to share his message often gets lost in the shuffle of daily life. The essence of Christianity lies not merely in personal salvation but in the transformative journey from redemption to responsibility, from being rescued to becoming a rescuer. Consider the words of Jesus to his disciple after his resurrection and before he ascended to heaven:
January 9, 2024

Bro. Jerry Kidd’s Story: How He Arrived in Missions

Missionaries are sent and mission work is accomplished because at some point someone inspired those missionaries to take the teachings of God’s Word seriously. And as a result, they gave their whole life to the cause of Christ. Such is the story of Brother Jerry Kidd, who soaked up the teachings of God for the purpose of sharing the Savior with those who need him.