Changing the Lives of Californians
November 21, 2023
BMA Work in Quebec and Beyond
December 5, 2023By Heather Harrison, Lifeword
“A home church in a different land is difficult but we believe that it is the Lord who builds his church.” Remi Badru
Sometimes our efforts within the Kingdom of God look more like building a business than building a family. Building a business can be quick work, and there is no short supply of strategies to try. Building a family is different. It requires things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…It requires sacrificing time, money, and comfort, and it is something that becomes a part of our everyday lives.
Nduka Kingsley and Remi Badru know this well. Both are originally from Nigeria, and were attending seminary, when they sensed the call of God to give their lives to build his church. This calling took them to Houston, where for the past four years, they’ve been planting and growing a church there among the large population of Nigerians.
When Nduka and Remi moved to Houston, they began asking God for direction regarding the details of their new church. As they started meeting and engaging with other Nigerians there, they began meeting on Sundays. Since Covid-19 caused their numeric growth to halt, they are currently rebuilding. They have several families committed to the church. Two of them were baptized just last week! Finding a location to meet has been a struggle; they currently meet in a local hotel. Because the schedule, transportation, and a regular location is difficult, their mid-week service is online. They also regularly invite church members into their home. “We want to not only build relationships, but we want our home to feel like their home…like a family,” Nduka shares.
Creating a strong presence online is another focus for them right now, sharing that they’ve “noticed most people don’t want to open their homes, but they open their phones on social media.” Both pastors use their social media accounts to share about Christ and about their church through writing and sharing portions of their sermons. Several readers and viewers have interacted with them through social media, and some have eventually come to a Sunday service. Lifeword is discussing various ways to use media to partner in helping in their church planting efforts.
“There is a huge Nigerian population here, seeking hope in America, but we want them to know Christ is their hope,” Remi explains. Many come to the US with hope of a better life. Because of this, many of them work three jobs and no longer have time for church or Christian community. “The gospel they have heard so far has been that God meets your needs, so when they come here and find success and are not as needy, it is easy to not make time for church.” Many of them are sending money back to their families who are still in poverty in Nigeria. This adds difficulty to church planting and church building efforts.
The BMA of Texas has been a great support, and they are thankful. However, they share that “there is a lot that goes into an African church. To an African person, church is more than a regular meeting, it must be celebratory. There must be a place, accustomed to rejoicing, because that is the outlet for many to come to God. So, to get good music, a consistent location, and other resources has been difficult.”
Organizing various community outreach efforts and spending time with church members regularly has allowed them to engage, care for, and invite people into their close Christ-centered community. Remi shares that since Africans are typically family focused, their goal is not only to build their church, but to further the family of God. Please pray for this church and that God would grow them. Pray for wisdom as Lifeword seeks to support and help their efforts in exploring even more online opportunities for growth.