Meet Roberto Feliz, ChangeMaker in Dominican Republic
September 3, 2024
Women Changing Women in the Middle East
September 17, 2024
Meet Roberto Feliz, ChangeMaker in Dominican Republic
September 3, 2024
Women Changing Women in the Middle East
September 17, 2024

Raised Mormon Then Found the True Gospel 

By Payton Bullock

Growing up Mormon, I only knew the culture that surrounded me, so I was taught a different gospel. I knew about and believed in God, knew right from wrong, and went to church occasionally. Even though I didn’t attend church every Sunday, I was still conditioned in the Mormon faith. 

I grew up in Morgan, Utah, and at that time, the Mormon or Jack-Mormon population was about ninety to ninety-five percent. Jack-Mormon members did not live the Word of Wisdom and did not meet the requirements to go to the temple, but they were still Mormon. I believed that to get to the Celestial Kingdom, the highest kingdom in Mormon culture, I would need to be an active Mormon member and follow sacred covenants. 

The LDS (Latter Day Saints) church told me not to question the church or research  other churches because the Mormon church is the only true church. Understand, I was surrounded by Mormon culture with all family members being Mormon. My friends were all Mormon, school consisted of Mormon members, and everything was related to and centered on the Mormon church.

Questioning the Mormon Church

Fast forward to the first steps of leaving the LDS church, about two years ago I started paying attention to the Word discussed in several of the podcasts that I was following. The podcasts were gospel oriented and provided by Trey Johnson Ministries and Lone Star Cowboy Church. As I listened to these Christian/motivational podcasts I started paying more attention to how they spoke of God and of Jesus.

There were several differences in how Jesus was discussed and my heart and mind began to have questions. During this time my family was living in St. George, Utah, and my wife Chelsey was away at a women’s business retreat in Phoenix, Arizona, for three days. When I picked up Chelsey from the retreat, I vividly remember her saying that we needed to talk. This was not about business but about faith. 

As we drove six hours back to Saint George, Utah, we discussed her thoughts on prayer, other religions, and her mind opening to God and questions surrounding the Mormon church. I remember her telling me about another woman who was currently leaving the LDS church and attending a Christian church. Chelsey also shared how other people prayed and how special it was. As Chelsey was telling me all these things, I had already begun questioning the LDS faith, but didn’t know how to bring it up or what to do. During our conversation I told her that I had been questioning the LDS faith. Up to this point, we were still attending the Mormon church weekly and had baptized our oldest son just two months before.

Finding an Online Christian Church

Before we moved from St. George, I found Lone Star Cowboy Church and was drawn to it for several reasons: 1) They always spoke of Jesus. 2) The Pastor (Randy Weaver) was a cowboy and relatable. 3) He spoke so much knowledge from the Bible and kindness through the Word.

As a family we continued to listen to the livestream church every Sunday until we moved to Morgan, Utah, in October of 2022. Once we got to Morgan, we visited the LDS church twice, but we were still drawn to the Cowboy Church. We continued to listen to this church until September 2023, and we still love listening to Lone Star Cowboy Church throughout the week.

Finding our Local Church

During one of the online services, Pastor Randy Weaver mentioned that he appreciates online viewers but encouraged listeners to find a local church. In September 2023, I found a local Baptist church in Morgan: Morgan Grace Church. I was nervous because of my past teaching that I would get struck down by lightning, my family would fall apart, and Satan was controlling me. I know this sounds crazy, but I was conditioned my whole life to believe that the Mormon church was true and if I left, I would then be sent to “outer darkness.”

Once I got the courage to attend Morgan Grace, for my first attempt I went by myself, but I wasn’t sure where I was going and became very nervous and ended up turning my truck around and going back home. The next week I built up my courage, found the building, and went inside. 

I remember as I drove over to Morgan Grace the feelings of anxiousness came back and I thought I would be struck down to hell. Even though I had been listening to an online non-Mormon church, this was different since this was me physically stepping into another building through another door and I would be considered an apostate in the Mormon faith. My oldest boy, Cash, attended with me, but Chelsey did not feel comfortable, and I did not want to pressure her. As we approached the doors of the church, one of the pastors, Chase Roberts approached me, and he began to introduce me to others as they walked in for the service.

I sat near the back of the room which was full of about 80 plus people. We began in Scripture then had prayer, sang three songs, prayed again, and the message was delivered. 

I cannot tell you what was said, but I heard the Word. The message was great, and the worship drew me back to learn more. The following week, Cash and Cam both attended with me. I remember the other pastor, Gavin Roberts, greeted me this time and he preached the service. After the service, the congregation all sat down together and ate dinner. During this time, some members found out I was LDS and asked me a quite simple question: “Who is Jesus to you?” I was still naïve and responded that he is our Savior. After my response, I knew I had a lot to learn. Being Mormon, I had always thought of myself as a Christian, but here’s the shocker: Mormons believe in a different Jesus. I never knew this growing up or even up to this point in my life.

I Give God the Glory, for through Grace we are saved, and He has opened my eyes.

Being Saved

I continued to attend Morgan Grace Church in the fall and winter of 2023. During this time, Gavin and Chase provided extremely helpful gospel books; I was like a sponge and read one book per week. I read and studied the Bible and discussed several topics with Gavin and Chase. I was finally learning who Jesus is! I knew then that  Jesus is enough, and through grace we are saved. Chelsey began to attend with me and the family in October and November of 2023, and I remember listening to the worship song “Living Hope.”  

At the age of 34, I finally found Jesus. As the congregation sang this song during the service I knew that I had found Jesus and am now saved. I tear up every time I hear this song since it is a mile marker in my life. I know I cannot thank the Roberts families enough and members of Morgan Grace for the impact they have had on my life. They opened my eyes so much and I am eternally grateful!We now reside in Weatherford, Texas, but again cannot thank Morgan Grace Church enough for the impact they had on my family. They were there during trials, our transition, all the questioning, etc. I hope to share my message with other past Mormons looking to find Jesus and continue to share the true Word.